© 2025 Wildlife Nest Boxes. Phone: 0427 591 269 | site by greengraphics.com.au
If for Phascogale consider purchasing three boxes.
Bee treatment included.
One of the more beautiful native bird species.
Smallest Australian owl and the most common.
Ideal alternative habitat to roof dwelling possums. Bee treatment included.
These species are both on the threatened species lists and require specific habitat requirements. Successful breading in a nest box has been recorded for the Powerful Owl
A remarkable bird with very distinctive flight.
Attract this melodic song-maker to your garden
Proven design for this iconic loveable bird.
Designed specifically for Feathertail Gliders
Proven design for this fascinating nocturnal species
Ideal for crimson rosella, Rainbow Lorikeet and Gang Gang Cockatoo
Ideal for all species of native microbat species
Designed for small lorikeets, budgerigars and other small parrots
Designed specifically for Ringtail Possum
A proven design for eastern rosella and other medium sizes parrots